I would rather take the pain of being alone than living with confusions, a weak trust and an unfaith;
but then comes you, make me weaker, take me out of my comfort and put me inside your heart;
now I love the confusions and you, the whole of you, but I could have taken the pain of being alone.
I would rather take the pain of being alone than living with the imagination of you and your love;
but then comes the reality, punches me hard, pushes me to the edge and throws my dreams away;
now my love is alive with all my high hopes dead, but I could have taken the pain of being alone.
I would rather take the pain of being alone than living with the fear of separation and vulnerabilities;
but then comes the core, says go ahead and taste the untested, dissolve into the loop and live by;
now I can see everything with my mind and hands tied, but I could have taken the pain of being alone.